December 22, 2006

All About Aurell

* Alhamdulillah....Aurell udah selesai ujian TPA nya. Berdasarkan pengakuannya sih katanya bisa semuanya, but gak tau dech hasilnya. Insya Allah semuanya sukses ya nak..... Raport TPA baru dibagiian Kamis minggu depan tanggal 28 Des 2006, berhubung kita sekeluarga lagi mudik ke Mbah di Enek aja yang ngambil. Makasih ya Nek.....muach...muach...
Ini dia, hasil karya Aurell ujian mewarnai & menempel kertas warna......

* Tadi pagi Bunda ambil raport Aurell di sekolah Al Jabr. Hasilnya terhitung bagus.....Bunda bangga juga ngeliat hasilnya. Kata gurunya, ms mega, aurell tuh amat sangat mandiri....dia minta tolong orang lain (teachers/helper) kalo dia memang benar-benar gak bisa sendiri (alhamdulillah......). Kekurangannya, Aurell belom hafal numeric symbol, colors, size n shapes....masih perlu belajar banyak neh....peer Bunda n Ayah nich !. Dilihat dari raportnya, lumayan banyak yang udah grade 'mastered' (mahir).....alhamdulillah....
Ini teachers comment di raportnya :

So far, Aurell is showing a good progress in her Skill Concept which covers Pre-reading and Pre-writting. She is able to write and tell certain sounds of letter well. Aurell's social and emotional ability are in good condition as it is shown in her independency of doing things and taking care of her self with only a little assistant from the teachers. It is also shown in her independency of doing things and taking care of her self with only a little asisstant from the teachers. It is also shown in her concentration of doing something, so that she can finish her work well. When she needs something, she asks for help politely. She obeys the class rules well. Aurell is a quite girl but sociable. In religion area, Aurell able ti reate 'before & after meal prayer, 'before studying' player and 'before leaving' the class prayer. She is able ti recite Al Fatihah and An Naas as well. Aurell can enjoy & participate very well in all physical activities. In cognitive area, Aurell knows already the number concept of 1-5. But still she needs to practice more at home to memorize the number symbols of 1-5. Aurell is good at coloring but still she needs to practice more at home to memorize the colors. Last but not least, please practice more at home, the shapes such as square, triangle and circle as well, Aurell.
Keep on practicing and improving your self, Aurell....good luck !

Ini hasil prakarya Aurell yang masih dipajang di kelasnya :
Mana hasil karya Aurell ???? *paling kanan atas*

Ini dia tampak dekat hasil karya Aurell....

(ps. prakarya mewarnai fireman)

Dari sekolah, selain dibagiin raport juga dibagiin hasil prakarya n 2 bundel kumpulan hasil belajar menulis angka n huruf selama 1 semester Aurell belajar....lucu-lucu juga seh ngelihat hasilnya, ada yang diurek-urek aja tapi ada juga yang emang niat banget bikinnya. Perkembangan hasilnya juga keliatan banget peningkatannya dibandingin dari waktu dia pertama masuk sekolah bulan juli lalu.....
Gak sia-sia Bunda nyekolahin di sekolah Al Jabr, yah...meski bagi Bunda n Ayah agak mahal tapi kalo dilihat perkembangan n kemajuannya....pesat banget !. T-O-P-B-G-T.

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